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Oil & Gas Cured in Place Pipeline Rehabilitation Technology

Decarbonizing the worlds energy pipelines one pipe at a time.

Oil & Gas Pipeline Rehabilitation

Extending the life of Oil and Gas transmission/distribution pipelines can be costly and time-consuming. Fluid-7s CIPP Fluid Membrane Barrier Technology can extend pipeline life times by up to 75 years at up to 50% less OPEX and 75% less CAPEX than traditional, existing methods.

Decarbonisation Services

Fluid-7 Fluid Membrane Barrier Technology enables the remediation of oil and gas pipelines preventing fugitive methane emissions, a greenhouse gas, and reducing the carbon footprint (by up to 65% embodied carbon) required to manufacture new steel pipelines.

Asset Lifecycle Extension

As assets age and maintenance costs increase, Fluid-7’s CIPP Fluid Membrane Barrier Technology can revive ‘Stranded Assets’ at a much lower cost than replacement or traditional repair systems meaning these assets can be returned to the income side of the balance sheet.

Repurpose for Green Energy

With increased application of green energy such as hydrogen and ammonia, existing oil and gas infrastructure can be repurposed using Fluid-7’s Fluid Membrane Barrier Technology. This will save companies money and time, while being an environmentally friendly solution.



We are Exhibiting at Gastech 2024

17 – 20 September 2024

George R Brown Convention Centre, Houston

Visit Fluid-7 at Stand HH8

Pipe cross section

Fluid-7 CIPP Fluid Membrane Barrier Technology

Up until now rehabilitating aging Oil and Gas Pipelines has been expensive, capital-intensive, carbon-intensive, time-consuming, and difficult, especially in built up areas or areas of environmental sensitivity.

Fluid-7’s trenchless Cured In Place Pipeline Fluid Membrane Barrier Technology helps reduce CAPEX by up to 50% for new or replacement oil and gas pipelines and OPEX by up to 75% for maintenance and repurposing.

We’ve taken an industry standard CIPP rehabilitation system and developed a proprietary impermeable membrane barrier solution suitable for hydrocarbon transportation. The Fluid-7 system also enables, in a world first, the remediation of existing Oil and Gas infrastructure for use with Green Energies like Hydrogen, Ammonia and CO2.

Our Fluid Membrane Barrier Technology can be used to rehabilitate existing oil and gas pipelines, stop fugitive methane emissions, extend asset lifetime and substantially reduce carbon footprints.

Maintaining, Rehabilitating, Repurposing

With Fluid-7 Pipeline Technology up to:
Lower CAPEX 50%
miles of pipelines, much of it over 50 years old
With Fluid-7 Pipeline Technology up to:
Lower OPEX 75%

Inside a relined Fluid-7 Pipeline

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The above video shows the inside of an existing pipeline relined with the CIPP (cured in place pipeline) Fluid-7 Fluid Membrane Barrier Technology. The product on display here is our 30bar Energy Pressure Liner. This pipeline is rated to 30bar (435 PSI) and can carry Hydrogen, Carbon Dioxide, Methane, Ammonia and other energy products.

This pipeline has a diameter of 600mm/24″ internal and can be placed in lengths of 1.6km or 1 mile without joints, by a six person team over six hours.

This process results in the extension of the lifetime of this pipeline by up to 75 years.

Learn more about Fluid-7 Technology

Discover cost-effective solutions for oil & gas pipeline rehabilitation and repurposing, driving sustainable energy innovation and a greener future.

Securing & Renewing Pipeline Assets

Oil Pipeline over land with hills


As the worlds energy arteries, in the form of its oil and gas pipelines, age, their cost to maintain increases, often exponentially. Most of these pipelines were built between 1950-1970 and the steel pipes used generally have an asset life cycle of 50-70 years. A large percentage of these critical energy pipelines are at end-of-life and consequently prone to failure and leaks with consequences ranging from explosion and loss of life through to emissions of large amounts of fugitive methane.

Fluid-7 Fluid Membrane Barrier technology contributes to both reducing the carbon footprint of the global energy industry and provides a highly cost-effective solution to “Fugitive Methane”. Fugitive Methane – methane that leaks or escapes from current energy fluid transportation systems – in the US alone is estimated to have the same climate impact as nearly 50 million passenger cars driven for a year on near-term warming scales. For the first time low earth orbit technology is also being deployed to better identify pipelines and operations bringing this issue into sharper focus for oil and gas operators around the world.


Fluid-7’s proprietary Fluid Membrane Barrier Technology is the world’s first impermeable hydrocarbon barrier technology that allows Oil and Gas companies to reduce their carbon footprint, stop fugitive methane emissions, rehabilitate ‘Stranded Assets’, increase the life time use of existing pipelines by up to 75 years, all at up to 50% less CAPEX and 75% less OPEX for maintenance and repurposing.


Rehabilitating Existing Pipelines

We can form a completely new composite pipe within the existing degraded steel pipe that adds another 50-75 years of performance to the asset whilst eliminating leakage and at 50% less capital cost and 75% reduction in operational costs.


Forming New Pipes

We form completely new composite pipes with 65% less embodied carbon compared to traditional steel pipes and up to 50% less capital cost with once again 75% reduction in Opex. Our pipes are also impermeable meaning no fugitive methane emmissions.

Potential Pipeline for Oil and Gas

Repurpose to New Energy

As the world transitions to Green Energy existing energy pipelines and infrastructure are unsuitable for handling new energies like Hydrogen and Ammonia, and at risk of becoming ‘stranded assets’. Utilizing our fluid membrane barrier technology enables these assets to continue to be used.

Fluid-7 Technical Information

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